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Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust

Owlcotes Strategic Plan

Owlcotes Multi-Academy Trust Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024


Owlcotes is committed to developing inclusive schools, sharing a common purpose to provide excellent education and improved outcomes for all pupils. We strive to provide high-quality education for all children within our local communities by inspiring innovation, creativity and aspiration through an enriched curriculum.


In Owlcotes' first 4 and a half years, we grew in scale, from two founding schools to four currently, in confidence, and in financial sustainability. All Owlcotes schools have improved in relation to their starting points on conversion. In the next three years, we aim to look to the future and build on our success so far. We are proud to showcase the Owlcotes Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024, our ambitious new strategy for the next three years. 


The Owlcotes Strategic Plan is underpinned by six strategic aims:

  1. Exceptional Leader and Expert Teachers: Great teaching remains the biggest school lever to improve pupil outcomes. School leaders across the trust therefore have a responsibility and a commitment to put the mastery of teaching and learning at the heart of their schools. 
  2. An Inspirational Curriculum: Our aim is to provide an excellent curriculum in all schools which supports and challenges all pupils and inspires achievement. To do this, our schools must ensure and assure a high quality curriculum in each subject which priorities acquisition of knowledge alongside development of skills. 
  3. Securing Great Outcomes: Our aim is to provide an excellent education in all our schools, which are led by expert leaders and where pupils are taught by expert teachers.
  4. Inspirational Environments: Our aim is to continually improve school premises and environments for learning. Our inspirational environments strategy is aimed at ensuring each school has premises that are safe, fit for purpose and which provide environments for effective learning. 
  5. Investing in the Future: Financial efficiency can be hugely difficult for schools to manage effectively and working within a multi-academy trust can be financially supportive to all schools. In OAT, we provide financial oversight to help manage school budgets. 
  6. Governance and Assurance Strategy: Governance can be challenging for schools to manage consistently and effectively. Our aim is to develop strong governance in schools through providing a programme of governance training, establishing consistency of approach across the trust, providing assurance through staff performance reviews and appraisals, and assuring accountability and oversight through systems of internal and external scrutiny.  